Always been cursed ? Yes, some believe the Birmingham Public Library has always been cursed. From it's inception. The Birmingham Public Library was established in 1886 as a part of Birmingham's public schools. John H. Phillips, superintendent of the school system, set up a library in a room not much bigger than a closet.

In 1913, a public library board was established, and the City of Birmingham assumed responsibility for funding the growing institution.

In 1925 it was burned to the ground , along with city hall in a city wide fire believed to be set by black people angry and fed up with all the white prosperity and black despairity. It was rebuilt using black and white tax dollars in 1927. The 1927 building was renovated in 1985 and renamed the Linn-Henley Research Library. This facility houses the library's special collections, and government publications., and ghost.

The Birmingham Library system was built off racism. Blacks were not allowed to enter. Then on April 10th, 1963, Miles College students, including Shelly Millender (pictured below), staged a sit in at the Birmingham Public Library.

The library leadership agreed to end segregation in the institution, making it one of the few public facilities in Birmingham that was desegregated with out bloodshed.

The library leadership agreed to end segregation in the institution, making it one of the few public facilities in Birmingham that was desegregated with out bloodshed.
If you walk around the library you will encounter a slew of homeless people , often being harassed by the library security guards for falling asleep. I've seen them stand over homeless old women with their arms crossed daring them to nod off.
Not spooky perhaps but the level of anxiety in that place for it to be a library is noticeable.


Lights flicker randomly, which could be to the electrical work. Many people experience dizziness in certain places, which could be uneven flooring, or just plain bad construction all around. Or it could be more sinister.

Many patrons randomly complain about smelling cigarette smoke from unknown origins. Many express a feeling of "being followed" or "being watched" as one moves about the library. I felt it too while I was there, a heavy over-your-shoulder feeling.

But I'm not the only one who thought it was worth investigating. Others have taken Photos and recordings. Like the picture below that was taken at the library around the 60's of a spirit believed to be named Jeffrey.

A former librarian is said to have returned to the librarian after he died, to resume work. His name was Fant Thornly.

Fant is said to be the cigarette stealing / smoking spirit that breaks equipment, and causes general disturbances for the library staff and patrons. I asked a librarian about it she told me "when ever a light bulb goes out, we say it was Fant Thornly , if the printer runs outta ink, or toilet backs up, we say it was Fant Thornly."

In the video below you can see where I tried to make contact.with the ghost myself while @ the Birmingham Library. All in all it's a very spooky place, I would NOT want to spend the the night there.
Until Next time Super Sleuths.